seema yasmin interview

In Conversation with Dr. Seema Yasmin

All my Covid questions ANSWERED with Dr. Seema Yasmin | No Filter with Naomi

What to Look for Before You Fall for Fake Medical News

Dr. Seema Yasmin, 'Viral BS'

Could hugging it out help you avoid a cold?

Imperfect Heroes | Seema Yasmin | TEDxOakLawn

Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them | Dr. Seema Yasmin

The Truth About COVID-19 Vaccines ft. Dr. Seema Yasmin

Mystery illness paralyzes kids overnight

Former CDC official responds to coronavirus containment and testing

Q&A w/ Dr. Seema Yasmin & Pallavi Gunalan

Dr. Seema Yasmin Answers 50 of the Most Googled Coronavirus Questions | WIRED

Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them with Seema Yasmin

Seema Yasmin: How to conquer a pandemic with communication

Seema Yasmin introduces her book The Impatient Dr. Lange

KEYNOTE SPEAKER | Dr. Seema Yasmin for ACR21

ER Doctor Explains How They're Handling Covid-19 | Cause + Control | WIRED

Dr. Seema Yasmin » In Conversation with Mother Jones

Love And Trust | Dr. Seema Yasmin, Disease Hunter & Science Journalist

Alumni Day 2021 - Seema Yasmin, MB BChir

Dr. Seema Yasmin Viral BS: Medical Myths & Why We Fall For Them on Covid-19. #health #medicine

Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall For Them - Seema Yasmin

Virtual Talks @ Pulitzer: Dr. Seema Yasmin

Disease Detective